Thus I knew I had to make sure my son didn't have a failure for a party. So I called my single, cute college brother for some party activity suggestions just in case. (Everyone knows that Andy is the fun one in the family... the rest of us are married and boring.) Anyway, I went over suggestions with Josh for his approval, and he was still skeptical, but agreed to give it a shot.
The night of the party came and 10-15 of his friends -- boys and girls -- showed up (I forget the exact count). The weather held out while Mike grilled dogs and burgers and the kids mingled outside. It started drizzling, so we moved indoors to eat. After dinner, kids moved to the livingroom to play the borrowed X-box and socialize, while Carolynn entertained a handful of girls with her antics. I scanned faces occasionally looking for signs of boredom, and when I saw the first hint, suggested trying the "candy bar" game. The kids not absorbed by the X-box, willingly filed back to the tables to try their hand eating large chocolate bars with butter knives while wearing hat, gloves and scarf. They made enough racket and sounded like they were having enough fun that the X-box was forgotten and 4 giant candy bars ended up eaten. My baking pan still shows the scars from frustrated teens trying to get a taste of chocolate before having it ripped away by the next contender!

Until the next time!...