April 29, 2009

Austin and the animals

Austin has been bugging me forever to get pictures of the animals for him for school. I took them awhile ago, but can't print them out because our printer is malfunctioning, so I told him I'd try to post them on the blog and then he could have people see them that way... I'm just a little slow getting it all done! So, here's our animals! (At least, some of them...)
Austin with Cassia.
Austin giving Ginger some love.Austin keeping Sage under control for a few seconds.
Sage trying to keep Austin under control.
S'more tasting Austin's hair.
Oreo trying to kiss Austin.
The miniature cows, donkeys, and horses...

Hubby's new toy

Ever since we got our little farm, my hubby has been eyeing the tractors, insisting he needed one in order to properly "work" the place. Well, beginning of April, I quit telling him we couldn't afford one (it didn't really matter what I said anyway... he was still gonna want one until I caved... I didn't cave, I just quit saying no!), so he got his new toy.

Carolynn's sayings

I just thought I'd write down Carolynn's newest phrase before it got forgotten. She's such a cute little bug, and some days, she talks incessantly! Her newest phrase "I did that yesterday!"
"Carolynn, it's time to go to Aunt Sue's." "No, I did that yesterday!"

"Carolynn, time for bed..." "No. I went bed yesterday!"

"Carolynn, let's eat a sandwich." "No, I eat sandwich yesterday!"

"Carolynn, time for your nap." "No, I took nap yesterday!"

"Carolynn, let's go outside." "K, mommy. I get my boots!" She will never turn down an offer to go outside! And she does that everyday the sun's out. In fact, if anyone talks of going outside when she is around, she is ready to go! Here's my little farm girl with her mudboots... ready to go out in the 50 degree weather a couple of weeks ago.