You know, I'm not sure if I should be happy or not, but my husband has really gotten into checking out the "chicks". And, due to his example and encouragement, each of our boys has developed an enjoyment of this pasttime, as well. I guess things could be worse... they could be ugly chicks, not the cute, fuzzy, peeping kind! Anyway, Mike managed to convince the boys that they all wanted to order a bunch of these adorable little chickens to raise and somehow enjoy, and then, well, I'm not sure what's next. To be honest, my boys didn't really require too much convincing. So Mike ordered several little chicks of the boys' choosing... Michael always liked the cornish bantams (bantam is like a miniature chicken), Josh liked the buff and partridge variety, Rhett wanted some birchens and buffs, Austin wanted barred, and Trevor wanted "little ones that laid colored eggs", also known as aracauna. They are all the bantam variety, so they're little. And, right now, they're cute. Give 'em a couple weeks, and they'll have feathers poking out everywhere, and they won't be cute. I'm really not sure what good they are other than for eating bugs... their eggs are too small to make good eatin'!(unless you have a lot of them for scrambling!) Anyway, the kids are thrilled with the arrival of "their" chicks, so we got a couple pics to share.
Austin with his barred chick...

Trevor with two of the aracaunas...

A variety of the cute, fluffy little guys. Their colors and legs help to tell what kind they are...

And these are the "teenage chicks" As you can see, they've got feathers popping out everywhere like zits and just aren't the cute babies they used to be. They do get better looking as they get older, though! Once again, you can see some color varieties. These chicks we've had for about a month now...
1 comment:
Well I'm glad you don't mind them. Mike tried talking Dave into getting some too. I love the idea of them eating the bugs but it still does not convince me to get them. No offense, but I do not want any kind of animal.
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