Finally, I came up with the brilliant idea of using bribery to get a couple pictures. When she was in a really good mood, I got out the hat, got out some fruit snacks, and told Care-care if she put on the hat and let me get a picture, she could have the fruit snacks. She not only did that, but she even "cheeeese"d for me! She is such a goof ball! I just never know what to expect from that little cutie!
Next day, while I was at work, the boys said Carolynn decided to put the hat on again (maybe she wanted more fruit snacks?). They said she ran around the house just a laughing and giggling with this hat on, being all cutesy. Unfortunately, the hat is still just a little too big for her, and the one time as she turned the corner, the hat slipped down over her eyes so she couldn't see, and she ran smack into the piano. The boys said she tore the hat off and cried hard for a few minutes. She's been wearing a nice bruise on the right cheek ever since, but I can't get her to wear the hat any more!
11 years ago