All summer long, we got very little rain. Up until a month ago, the lawn was nearly dead and brown. Then the weather cooled, and we finally got some much needed rain. Unfortunately, the lawn now is in desperate need of mowing. I told Mike it was a shame to let all that good grass go to waste when we have these animals that would love to eat it, so intead of getting the mower out, Mike and the boys moved the corral panels to encompass part of the yard for the calves to nibble. When I got home from work that night, I noticed that the silly cows had trimmed a nice area of grass right along the fence line. Mike moved the panels a little bit the next day. Even though there was still plenty of lush, thick grass inside the fence, Rosebud insisted on eating out as far as she could...

I guess she thought it was true... The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence!
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