Anyway, last Saturday, Austin was sick with a low-grade fever (Rhett and Trevor both missed school today with the same thing), so he wasn't able to play in the game. U
nfortunately, due to the fact that Mike had clinicals, and I'm not willing to miss a game if at all possible, I made him dress warmly and dragged him out in the cool air anyway. Rhett played very well, as usual, scoring the first touchdown for his team and making some spectacular flying tackles. I got a picture of one of his great tackles -- although you can't see him very well since the big guy that was holding him (note the yellow flag on the ground) stepped in front of my camera. In spite of being held, Rhett made the tackle, as usual. I'm gonna have to work on getting better action shots!

I did get some really clear action shots of the spectators. It was a f
airly cool morning -- mid 50's. Light misty rain continually. Perfect football weather! Carolynn really doesn't seem to watch much of the game, but she does have fun entertaining herself! She especially likes being able to climb in and out of the chair on her own.

Michael T wasn't with us at the game -- he was competing in a cross country meet with 9-12 other schools. He did wonderful!!! -- he placed 18 out of over 75 other highschoolers and even got a medal!
I also got a couple of pictures of Trevor's game. I don't know if you have ever watched a flag football game, but they are quite entertaining. Half the kids really don't know what to do and run the wrong way with the ball, tackle the kid with the ball instead of pulling his flag, or just simply dance to their own tune on the field. Trevor actually stays in tune. Having older siblings who play with him at ho
me probably helps. He played a little bit of every position during the game, but I had the camera only while he was on the line. I'ts hard to see, but he's the one closest.

Saturdays with football are fun, but long days. I'm sad... I'm going to miss this coming Saturday's game... I have to work. Maybe I'll get lucky and get called off...
I am hoping to be there Saturday with the boys...we will see. Jeremy works...but Damean wants to watch some football...probably just like Carolynn watches it, but oh well. Every time I ask him he says, "YEA YEA YEA!"
I noticed Trevor right away. That's exciting he gets to play this year!!! Hopefully we'll make it to a game this year!!! Dave is working this Saturday so it all depends on how my boys are doing. I know Jayden would love to watch the boys! He just adores his cousins!!!
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