May 28, 2009

It's a girl!

The Robinson's have finally had a girl! And, boy! is she ever cute! Sweet Pea had her baby yesterday, and it's an adorable little paint baby girl.. the tiniest I think we have ever had! She's only 18 inches at the shoulder, and comes to just below my knee. The kids think that we had 6 boys in our family before we got the girl, so we were gonna have a girl for sure. Well, there's Shadow, Bluebug, Beau, Peggy Sue's boy, Call-a-doll's boy, and Dot's boy. Now we finally have our girl! We are still open to suggestions for names for the last 3 boys and now this girl! Isn't she a cutie!

Carolynn's popcorn

The other day I was up in my room folding clothes while Carolynn helped. After a short while (and I mean "short"), Care got bored and wandered downstaris. I could hear cabinet doors opening and closing and her chair/stool being pushed across the kitchen floor, so I decided to investigate. When I went into the kitchen, Care was climbing up the chair positioned in front of the microwave, a packet of hot chocolate in hand.

"What are you doing, Carolynn?"
"Make me popcorn."

I told Carolynn she had hot chocolate instead of popcorn, redirected her to the proper packet, then had a Sue moment and grabbed the camera. With only a little prompting from me, Carolynn then made herself some popcorn!
At first, she tried to tell me to do it. I told her she could do it and how to open the microwave.

She managed to get the microwave open, then put the popcorn in.

I told her which buttons to push, and she was all to willing to push them and more!

She watched as it popped, and got really excited when it got bigger and bigger.

As soon as it dinged, she grabbed it out, burning her fingers slightly, even tho I tried to warn her. "No! Me do it!"

She hurried and pushed her chair back to the table and hopped up to enjoy the popcorn. Only two years old and already cooking her own food! She scavenges it up and everything!

May 7, 2009


Carolynn's newest saying:

"Guess what mommy!"

"What Carolynn?"

"I love you!" (only it sounds more like "I lub you!")

Daddy's little helper...

The other night, I put Carolynn to bed. As usual, we read a story. Then she asked me to "sweep wif me." I told her that I would lay down with her after I finished washing the dishes. While I kissed the boys and washed the dishes, I could hear her thumping the wall, and singing to herself here and there. Then the room got quiet. By the time I finished the dishes, she was quiet and I forgot about laying with her. Mike got home a short time later and went in to check on her. Apparently, she wasn't in bed, and this is what he found...

Carolynn's first real Easter Egg hunt... where she actually found the eggs! Of course she did have a few helpers!

The Staus Curse

Remember that curse I was telling you about in the last posting? Well, the saga continues...

Dot just had an adorable little boy this morning! (yes... Dot's a donkey).Take notice in the next pic how little he is! I took some oats out to give Dot after Mike left and measured the little guy... he's about 20&1/2 to 21 inches tall at the shoulder!You can almost compare him to Call-a-doll's little boy. This pic was taken when he was a day old, but he measured 22 inches at the shoulder the day he was born.
So, here are pictures of all the little boys that have been born on our farm this year:

Taxi's baby boy. He's around 2-3 wks old in this pic. His name is Bluebug Louie (His momma is Bluebug Taxi, his daddy is Louie). I call him Bluebug.

Blossum's baby boy. He's almost a month old in this picture. His name is Beau of Blossum. I call him Beau (pronounced Bo). Unfortuantely, we lost his momma. But due to being bottle fed, he's much friendlier than Bluebug!

Call-a-doll's baby boy... he's 2 days old here. We still need a name, if you have any suggestions. His Daddy is Star (who is about 30 inches tall full-grown!).

And last, but not least is Dot's little guy. We need a name for him, too, if anyone has suggestions! His daddy's name is Blackjack.

Two more babies yet to be born... Can we get a girl? Stay tuned to find out!

May 6, 2009

It's a boy!! Again...

I think the Staus curse has carried through to our little farm. On a farm, it's good to get the females, cuz you can have lots of female animals to only one male most of the time. And the females can have more babies which can then be sold etc., etc. Well, since we moved here and got animals, the Staus curse has been passed to the farm animals... no girls! (For those of you unfamiliar with the family, of my siblings, I had 5 brothers and 1 sister. I myself gave birth to 4 boys and only 1 girl... My mother has 12 grandchildren -- only 1 granddaughter... My Granny has 16 great-grandchildren and one on the way -- only one is a girl... you get the picture.

Anyway, last year we had one baby born... a little male donkey jack. So far this year, the three babies that have been born are all boys... 2 little bull calves (miniature jerseys) and just yesterday a little paint colt was born. They're cute little buggers, but we sure would like to get a heifer! Dot is due to have her baby donkey any day, SweetPea should have her baby horse in a month or less, and Peggy Sue should drop a cute little calf any minute! It sure would be nice if at least one of those (if not all) is a girl!

At any rate, here are some pics of the babies...

Our most newest addition... Call-a-doll's little paint colt...