I think the Staus curse has carried through to our little farm. On a farm, it's good to get the females, cuz you can have lots of female animals to only one male most of the time. And the females can have more babies which can then be sold etc., etc. Well, since we moved here and got animals, the Staus curse has been passed to the farm animals... no girls! (For those of you unfamiliar with the family, of my siblings, I had 5 brothers and 1 sister. I myself gave birth to 4 boys and only 1 girl... My mother has 12 grandchildren -- only 1 granddaughter... My Granny has 16 great-grandchildren and one on the way -- only one is a girl... you get the picture.
Anyway, last year we had one baby born... a little male donkey jack. So far this year, the three babies that have been born are all boys... 2 little bull calves (miniature jerseys) and just yesterday a little paint colt was born. They're cute little buggers, but we sure would like to get a heifer! Dot is due to have her baby donkey any day, SweetPea should have her baby horse in a month or less, and Peggy Sue should drop a cute little calf any minute! It sure would be nice if at least one of those (if not all) is a girl!
At any rate, here are some pics of the babies...
Our most newest addition... Call-a-doll's little paint colt...

It's such a cute baby boy!
He is cute... unbelievable... not sure how to end it... thought you might with that girl but maybe not...
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