The other day I was up in my room folding clothes while Carolynn helped. After a short while (and I mean "short"), Care got bored and wandered downstaris. I could hear cabinet doors opening and closing and her chair/stool being pushed across the kitchen floor, so I decided to investigate. When I went into the kitchen, Care was climbing up the chair positioned in front of the microwave, a packet of hot chocolate in hand.
"What are you doing, Carolynn?"
"Make me popcorn."
I told Carolynn she had hot chocolate instead of popcorn, redirected her to the proper packet, then had a Sue moment and grabbed the camera. With only a little prompting from me, Carolynn then made herself some popcorn!
At first, she tried to tell me to do it. I told her she could do it and how to open the microwave.
She managed to get the microwave open, then put the popcorn in.

I told her which buttons to push, and she was all to willing to push them and more!
She watched as it popped, and got really excited when it got bigger and bigger.
As soon as it dinged, she grabbed it out, burning her fingers slightly, even tho I tried to warn her. "No! Me do it!"
She hurried and pushed her chair back to the table and hopped up to enjoy the popcorn. Only two years old and already cooking her own food! She scavenges it up and everything!
Aaaawwww!!! That is precious!!! I'm so glad you grabbed your camera!!!!!!!
She's definitely from our family too... start out cooking junk... forget the healthy stuff...
She's a cutie!!!
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