May 28, 2009

It's a girl!

The Robinson's have finally had a girl! And, boy! is she ever cute! Sweet Pea had her baby yesterday, and it's an adorable little paint baby girl.. the tiniest I think we have ever had! She's only 18 inches at the shoulder, and comes to just below my knee. The kids think that we had 6 boys in our family before we got the girl, so we were gonna have a girl for sure. Well, there's Shadow, Bluebug, Beau, Peggy Sue's boy, Call-a-doll's boy, and Dot's boy. Now we finally have our girl! We are still open to suggestions for names for the last 3 boys and now this girl! Isn't she a cutie!

1 comment:

Susan Staus said...

She is very cute!!!!!