Carolynn's newest saying:
"Guess what mommy!"
"What Carolynn?"
"I love you!" (only it sounds more like "I lub you!")
Daddy's little helper...

The other night, I put Carolynn to bed. As usual, we read a story. Then she asked me to "sweep wif me." I told her that I would lay down with her after I finished washing the dishes. While I kissed the boys and washed the dishes, I could hear her thumping the wall, and singing to herself here and there. Then the room got quiet. By the time I finished the dishes, she was quiet and I forgot about laying with her. Mike got home a short time later and went in to check on her. Apparently, she wasn't in bed, and this is what he found...

Carolynn's first real Easter Egg hunt... where she actually found the eggs! Of course she did have a few helpers!

AWW!!! So Cute!!!! I was just looking at pictures from Sept. of last year and Carolynn looks so different!!! I can't believe how fast she is growing up!!!
Carolyn's newest saying is something I say to Kevin (my fella) all the time. Once he ruined it by saying, "You love me?" in response to "Guess what?" I got all sad, so now he plays along dutifully. Such a good fella.
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